Innovating Treatments To Combat Neurodegenerative Diseases


Trojan horse delivers therapeutic cargos by binding to specific receptor located on over 400 miles of capillaries throughout our brain:

  • Facilitated transport: Fast delivery to the brain following IV administration.
  • Uniform distribution to all brain regions .
  • Low dose (less toxicity and immunogenicity potential).

Technology can deliver diverse cargos:

  • Flexible Attachment Modes: Covalent or Electrostatic.
  • IV delivery of gene-silencing therapeutics (siRNA, ASO), peptides, and proteins into the brain.


  • Five issued patents in the US, three in Japan, one in France, Germany and UK.
  • Seven additional patents are currently being prosecuted.
Overview picture

The non-invasive Ophidion IV platform efficiently delivers therapeutics to the brain using low doses for fast and extensive brain penetration